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BYP Gets a Makeover!

Here at BYP we've had a bit of a freshen up with a new logo (seen to the left) and strap-line that reflects the new direction we are heading into as a project.

The new strap-line is:

"BYP is a Christian youth work charity that supports and signposts young people."

You might notice that rather than a drastic change it has been lengthened to include the new area of our work. We will still be signposting young people to other youth provisions and services but we will also be looking to support them in new ways. Focusing on the prevention of emotional and mental health support and provision we hope to help 'fill the gap' until young people can be seen by the highly qualified specialists they might need.

We are really excited for this new era of work for the project and hope you are too!

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Charity No: 1155473

Tel: 01925 213214 (in session)


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