what's ON?


Bible and Breakfast
Everything is welcome for breakfast at the Shack. We finish our time with a short devotion and prayer.
Time: 8:00 - 8:30am
Days: Every Tuesday and Thursday (within term time)
Friday Night Project
Operating on 2 sites.
We have full use of the astroturf and open our youth centre called 'the Shack' on the rear car park of Broomfeilds Leisure Centre
2 detached workers based out at Alexandra Park
Time: 7:45-10pm
Days: Friday

WYFC Christian Union
Every Tuesday after school run by WYFC (as part of the Bridgewater High enrichment program) and hosted by BYP. This is a group where people can relax, talk, listen to music, play PS4 and then discuss aspects of Christianity​.
Time: 3:15-4:30pm
Location: The Shack (BYP)

Regular Sessions

After School Drop In
Some time to chill out, have something to eat and drink, play a few games and hang out with friends.
Drop In is on Weds
Time: 3.10-4.30pm
BYP Fri Night
Friday Night Football
+ Detached Work
BYP have full use of the astroturf during term time..
Players need to wear astroturf shoes or studded boots.
For Yrs 8 and above.
The Shack, on the rear car park of Broomfields Leisure Centre, is open like a cafe on a Friday night, with free hot drinks for young people.
Time: 8-10pm at the astroturf
Day: Friday (term time)
Cost: £1 per person
2 detached workers are also based around Alexandra Park 7.30-10.30pm each Fri
For further info click this document
Choc n' Chat

Every Tuesday in the Art Block and hosted by BYP.
These are groups for Yr 8. At these groups they can relax, get a free chocolate, talk about what is on their mind and play a game together.
Time: 13.30-2.10pm
Location: Art Block (Lower Site Bridgewater High)
Every Wednesday in the Drama Studio and hosted by BYP.
These are groups for Yrs 9, 10 + 11. At these groups they can relax, get a free chocolate, talk about what is on their mind and play a game together.
Time: 12.20-2pm
Location: Upper Site Drama Studio (Bridgewater High)
Exam Breakfast Tues+ Thurs 8am

Cost: Free at the Shack for Yr 11's
Brekkie can be a Brioche
Come for a Croissant
Have a Hot Choc with us
For further details: 07840456564

Other groups
Limitless Youth Festival
Youth Festival with thousands of young people @Stafford Showground.
Sat 9th Aug to Thurs 14th Aug 2025. Cost £150
Check out Limitless Festival highlight below:
HC Youth Club
Every Thurs Night 7-8.30pm​
For Yrs 6-9 (ages 10-14)
@Hill Cliffe Baptist.
A regular night includes tuck shop, a big game altogether, a short talk, time to hang out and a trip out every few weeks
Message 07840456564 to register interest

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Our School's worker Jen Anderson works in Bridgewater High every week delivering 1 to 1 mentoring with pupils that the school refer to BYP

Activity Week
Date TBC
Cost: £50​
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